One_Piece - S01E43 - Gyojin Teikoku no Owari! Nami wa Ore no Nakama Da!.mp4 Plot Summary: After saying that Nami is his Navigator. Arlong thinks he's joking, because a navigator like Nami doesn't deserve to be with a pirate like Luffy. He claims that Nami enjoys being with him and his crew. Luffy found a pen that was dropped from a desk. It had blood stains on it. He already knows that Nami was forced to draw maps. Luffy then hold on to the blade of the Saw Sword, which prevented Arlong to move it. It broke, and Luffy tells him that there was no way Nami could of been happy while working for the mermen in the first place. He starts to wreck the room, throw... Release Date: 27 Sep. 2000